Stats powered by PsychoStats
Server Name: Serveur Zonards - Officiel
Server IP:
Admin: Zid
Last Update: 12/18/03 05:31am
Server Stats Cheaters Player Ranks Clan Ranks Weapon Ranks Award Ranks Map Stats F.A.Q.

Clantag |[ALIENS]|
Members on server 8
Ranked Members 6
Rank Percentage 75.00%
Average Rank 173
Total Kills 4141
Total Deaths 4929
Kills per Death 0.84
Total Awards 2
# Player Name Kills Deaths Rank Skill
1 |[ALIENS]| Caporal HICKS 1077 1195 8 1876
2 |[ALIENS]| White-Wolf 928 842 15 1689
3 |[ALIENS]| Sergent Apone 646 633 20 1572
4 |[ALIENS]| Hudson 713 1145 34 1450
5 |[ALIENS]|Vasquez 334 296 54 1318
6 |[ALIENS]| Bishop 10 11 344 970
7 |[ALIENS]| Lt Ellen Ripley 215 359 440 930
8 |[ALIENS]| Bishop 218 448 472 889
Email me the full listing of your clan members if you want to protect your clan listing from unwanted names.

Last updated on 12/18/03 05:31am
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